Friday 15 October 2010

Edible Intervention for The Nearly Invisible Publishing - first meeting

On the 15th of September I met with David and Sarah to discuss Edible Intervention for the closing event of The Festival of Nearly Invisible Publishing. It was to be open to the public, with a series of performances happening throughout the day.

This time, rather then focusing on the ideas involved in artists works, I decided for my work to reflect on the cultural background of the members of the group. What does it mean to be British, Polish, Indian, American....? Specifically in the arts, we often relate mention/highlight/assign significance to the geographical location we are working in (eg. lives and works in London, Berlin, NY etc.) when writing our CV. I'm a Polish artist living and working in London. When I go back to Poland I feel incomplete and I feel the same when I'm in London. So what does nationality mean today?

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