Thursday 7 October 2010

Expanding senses and experimenting with flavours

At the end of March Mark and Niels were about to complete their residency at the PoSt Projects. I visited their studio before the dinner and felt as if I walked into a strange laboratory, where both of them spent all days experimenting with their ideas and interacting with each-others work. I started asking questions about particular objects in the space, about the way they (artists) related to them. Gradually I was entering their world and we started designing our next meal.

We decided to experiment with flavors, getting the strangest (to us) food we could have found and see what would happen when all of it became one, unexpected meal. When various elements of the traditional dish would be separated from one another and served with food from other culture. And what would be the reaction of invited people to that sort of dinner? Would they eat it?

We served Finnish food, together with Ghanian, Indian, Bangladeshi, Polish, Brazilian and British.

1 comment:

  1. Short info about the work they produced (Niels & Mark) at the end of their residency:

    Joint Departure, a collaborative project by Marc Müller and Niels Staats, explores the imaginative possibilities of imminent discovery. During their month-long residency Marc Müller and Niels Staats used the architecture at PoSt-projects as a temporary base/container for their explorations. Joint Departure will showcase the accumulated works produced during their residency.
